Frequently asked questions about Dekart Logon products Family

Frequently asked questions about Dekart Logon products Family

All user credentials for the domain accounts are securely stored on the tokens or smart cards. One smart card or token may contain several different login and passwords pairs. The user may select the desired login data during logon procedure.

Yes. One USB token or smart card may be used to store user credentials required to access different machines and domains, as well as other applications, eliminating the need for multiple devices. You can also use the tokens or smart cards you already own, storing user details to access multiple applications, thus only the free portion of smart card/token memory is reserved for Dekart application data.

Dekart Logon should be installed on each computer. Users may then use smart cards or other hardware keys for login (or their passwords – as they usually did, but you can turn-off "password login"). The hardware keys for these users can be created at one central location by the Administrator. The hardware key enrollment procedure consists of the following procedures:
a) formatting Token with Dekart Key Formatting utility (USB Flash drives do not require formatting);
b) transferring user credentials (username, password, domain) into smart card memory using Dekart Key Manager (For orders of minimum 10 licenses, Dekart Key Manager is offered at no charge).

The user connects his hardware key on any workstation in the domain and is then prompted for a PIN code.  If an invalid PIN is entered more than x times, the hardware key is blocked until unblocked by the administrator.  After successfully entering the correct PIN, the user is logged into the domain (or workstation) and have access to his domain resources without having to type in his username or password.

The number of wrong PIN code entries is defined by smart-cards/tokens.

The issue occurs because Lexar Jumpdrive Secure is detected by the operating system as a fixed disk. By default, Dekart Logon does not accept fixed disks as key storage devices, because one can accidentally store his/her profile on the local hard disk (which means that the second authentication factor, the disk, is always present), decreasing the level of security. However, Dekart Logon can be reconfigured, so that fixed disks are accepted too.

To change the settings of the application, download and execute this REG-file.

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